
 The quandary is the most common state among us whether you are a kid, a teen, or an adult. Selflessness for others or fullness of self, what to choose? There may or may not this question will arise depending upon the situation you are in. This dilemma can land you up in big trouble. Stay connected to know when and what has a greater impact.

Selfness for others refers that you are not thinking of yourself first and give other members the importance of existence. You will not deliberately hurt and almost do the things that make them feel jocular. In this process of giving yourself to someone you care about, you lose your stand somehow, you get lost somewhere. Things will change; some days be happy, some are sad just never let you go mad. This will be your choice only.

Whereas fullness of self can be the state of yours if you are with the same person that you cared for. It will wholly rely on the bond you have. This phenomenon will make you feel complete, not divided, you will not cut yourself from others but the openness will increase. You will enjoy the mother earth’s creations, nurture each process, and value yourself the most.

The confusion of what to choose is solely dependent on these. If you want yourself to grow and learn never let your flying wings be dragged down by the former and the latter can change your vision positively towards life. No doubt that former is also somewhat necessary but you will know when nature will give you signs, your intent will guide you.

"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for the things to remain same but get better."  -Sydney J. Harris 

I will be glad for your views in the comments! 💖


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