7 Things to do for a Healthy Lifestyle

A sound mind lives in a sound body.
 You all must have heard about it; some have implemented and some have not! It is very very important to take care of your lifestyle and health. Now is the time to get up and do it all your way. In this lockdown, many of us are busy doing work from home or the daily chores but we should not forget about our health which is getting affected by these. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must follow some of the steps mentioned below:

1. Drink a lot of water. In this busy schedule try to keep your skin moist as it gets dehydrated when comes under heavy work. A hydrated body is always good to go.
2. Sleep 7-8 hours a day. If you sleep well you will feel good. You will feel zestful and your day will be spent well. Your eyes will not be sullen and dark circled.

3. Do exercise for 15-20 mins a day. Yes, working out for at least this much  time will help you feel active and fresh throughout the day. You will sweat while exercising, it will open your pores and flush out all the bacteria that you are carrying inside your body. You can also do it for more time if you have the zeal.

4. Wake up early. If you are a working person you might be getting yourself up early. For the others, try to wake yourself up between 9-10 AM at least. (I know it's difficult to be an early riser ~5 AM). Your skin will thank you for this little effort towards a healthy life.

5. Clean your bed and room. I promise you will feel accomplished while going off to bed after all day's hustle and seeing that you have a perfect bed made for you by you! After waking up, make your bed. Clean your room for a more healthy environment.

6. Do what you love. The little time in this lockdown you can give to your hobbies. Do the thing that makes you feel good. Try to learn new things. Make some time for yourself. Take care of your skin too.

7. Spread positivity. Try to interact with people and friends. Take positive vibes with you. Talk politely, sweetly. Show the world that you have the talent of spreading the old good vibes that you are hiding from them.

You can also add some points on your own according to your need and work. Let me know in the comments what do you do or like to do for a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Truely its ur blog only which i felt its really good ..its really simple to understand for all and it gives a big message and loving content ....keep growing ..really great work

  2. Awesome.... Loved it


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