Why you should STUDY?

 The main thing after reading the title which came into your mind would be 'What!' or a state of ecstasy. In this post, I will enlighten the ideas on why you should study. Stay and you will see a difference in your life in the view of studies.

Studies seem very boring to almost everyone when it comes to studying the course/semester/school/university subjects which are meant to be completed within a given period of time. At that time, you feel pressurized, irritated, and frustrated and in the end, you just want to get good grades so that you can pass and get the degree. Now coming to the time when you really enjoy doing things that can include reading an interesting book, reading a fascinating magazine, or playing a game or anything that excites you, you do it with great enthusiasm. But when it comes to studying the course and getting the degree that too with flying colors seems a laborious task. Have you ever thought that why it is happening, why it is always boring to study that? 

Well, that all lies in the sentence and the work you do. You will be wanting to complete the work forcefully given by the professor with an inflexible heart but the point is to do it wholeheartedly and you will never see it from that view again. Try to think of that subject as you and only you are interested in it, you do not have any boundaries, you do not want to show anyone. Do everything with your heart just like you read a fascinating book. Don't ever compare yourself or your ability with someone. You are who you are. Study, not only for a degree, not for the society but solely for the knowledge, for you! Only by studying you can do whatever you want. If you do it with a happy heart, nobody will be able to beat you. 
"Knowledge is power." ~ Sir Francis Bacon


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